As a digital content agency that works with the likes of Netflix, Amazon and the FA – responsible for 6 billion views of content per month – our we thought our pre-Covid structure was perfectly workable.
But as we changed to more hybrid working, it’s become apparent we were working too hard at communicating, and there were too many meetings and check-ups. It left staff thinking we were checking up on them, and making sure they were still working. We decided to do away with all this, and give staff more freedom than they’ve ever had before.
Since then, it’s my firm belief we’ve shifted to a point where there is significant trust; where people feel genuine autonomy and have an elevated sense of commitment.
In my own team of 26, I adopt a ‘leading rather than ruling’ mantra, where you try to understand what it is that will make someone a success in their role.
We’ve introduced a set of new principles, including ‘inspiration’, ‘trust’ and ‘vulnerability’ and it guides everything I do. In my opinion, a ‘boss’ erodes goodwill from people because they are forthright and demanding when they should instead be collaborative and inclusive.
To my mind, there’s no reason ever to go back to the way we once were. Why choose restriction over freedom and growth and letting people be who they are? It’s not for managers to constrict the new generation to the rules and the legacy of the past.
I see my job as asking people what they need from me to succeed, and after than people have their own freedoms. For us, output has been phenomenal and engagement levels have been through the roof. We all have a sense of self-understanding about each other and each other’s needs.
Jade's management approach has been compared alongside the contrasting approach of well renowned CEO Emma Robertson of Engine Transformation. As our Director of Brand Strategy, we are really proud to see Jade getting the recognition she deserves!
The full Thought Leadership piece can be found on Management Today, be sure to go and check it out!